Exam Stress

The time is coming

Over the next few weeks, some of our students from years 11, 12 and 13 will be going on Study Leave as they prepare for their official external exams. This is the end of many years of hard work and studying and will culminate in an exam of between 1 and 3 hours!

This naturally will create stress for them, a little bit of stress is normal, but we have to ensure that this does not get out of hand and the pressure is not too much to handle.

Whilst it may seem that the exam is the be all and end all, and of course, we want our students to do their best, a little perspective is required. If an exam goes badly, the world will not end! If an exam goes badly, their whole future is not in jeopardy! If an exam goes badly, this does not define you as a person!

With all this in mind, there are steps that can be taken to ensure you are in the best possible place come exam day, no matter what age you are!

Make a Revision Plan


Plan what you are going to study, a specific topic, vocabulary etc.


Do you study better alone or in a study group?


If at home, make a dedicated quiet study bubble, all set up so you can begin immediately. If school is better for you, use the time wisely.


Are you a morning person or is the afternoon better for you? Be specific about when you plan to study.


Will you use flashcards, quizzes, websites, or exam style questions?

Start each revision session with a 10 minute ‘warm up’ of a topic you find easier. This will;

  • Boost your confidence.
  • Help get your brain warmed up.
  • Ensure you don’t neglect those easier topics.

Then move on to topics you are more unsure about. Spend about 20 minutes “learning” or checking what you know , by taking notes if needed, and then the last 20 minutes practising questions on it. Create flashcards/note cards with any key information on them and cross it off your original plan.

You can then use the flashcards you have made as your 10 minute warm ups! If you find something difficult or tricky then make a note of it (screenshot the question) and ask your teacher for help!

Do not hesitate in asking your teacher for help, that is what they are here for!

You cannot study from morning until night without a break. Make sure you put these into your plan, both a physical break and a mental break. Go for a walk, stretch, make a drink/snack. Make sure you have time connecting with your friends. Also make sure you get a good nights sleep!

There are many places you can go to for advice and the below website is just one of them  BBC Bitesize Exam Revision

All you can do is your best and if on results day it is not quite what you had hoped, we are here to support and guide you.

Miss Vicky

ALN Learning Support Assistant