The Primary department follows the British National Curriculum and all teachers are fully qualified, trained in the United Kingdom and have relevant experience. The curriculum is taught in English and the obligatory Spanish Studies is taught in Spanish every day. In addition, we follow all key principles of British education, while taking into account the richness of the environment and culture of Spain.

We believe that educating children involves helping them to become independent learners who will learn in many different contexts, not just at school. The relationship between home and school is fundamental to this belief.

Children learn best when they learn actively and where activities suit their individual needs. It is also important that children want to learn and to do their best. We encourage them in many different ways, including a system of rewards in the form of certificates, points and prizes.

In the British system, we approach the curriculum in a way that caters to the different levels within any given class. Specialist teachers and assistants give children support if they have difficulty with some aspects of the curriculum. This may take place in the class or a group may be taken to another room. Children who perform beyond the expected level are given extra work in class and sometimes groups are taken out of the class so that they can be provided with more challenging tasks.


The key subjects are mathematics, English language, science and, as we are a bicultural school, Spanish.

Pupils in Years 1-6 have literacy, numeracy and Spanish lessons every day, while science and other subjects, including art, physical education, music, citizenship and humanities, are taught at least once a week. Much of the curriculum is taught on the basis of themes, so that subjects can be linked where possible. Each year group has a different theme each term, which ensures a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on skills throughout the primary years. ICT is taught formally in Primary in an ICT suite where all children have access to computers.


The effective assessment, recording and reporting of pupils’ progress and achievements is necessary for the continuity and progression of learning. Its success depends upon how the information gathered is used. Assessment provides information on how future learning can be planned accordingly.