Flotsam Project
El año pasado, todos los cursos de Primaria empezaron el año estudiando el mismo texto: The Lost Words. Los alumnos y profesores realizaron una encuesta sobre el proyecto y la repuesta fue abrumadoramente positiva en términos de aprendizaje, colaboración, sentido de comunidad, creatividad y resultados. Este año nuestro texto es Flotsam, de David Wiesner. Se trata de un texto sin palabras, que permite a los niños crear su propia interpretación de la historia. La narrativa es multicapa, lo que significa que la interpretación está abierta y no hay un sentido de lectura acertado o equivocado. Este libro exige que lo mires una y otra vez.
Empezar el año con un proyecto curricular permite a los niños experimentar un sentido de cohesión en todo el colegio, lo que hace que los antiguos alumnos y los nuevos alumnos se adapten al colegio con mayor confianza. Estas son las opiniones de los alumnos.
Year 1
We were talking with lots of classes about flotsam starting with year 1B.
They said to us that they like lots of things in the story because the story doesn’t have words. They like the starfish, the camera, the sea…. They were writing about the beach in the Flotsam story and they also did painting on shells to represent the underwater life.
Year 2
Year 2A liked the camera parts. But one thing that they were very confused about was that the starfishes were taller and bigger than the blue whales. They did a whole group write with Miss Nicola about the story.
Year 3
Gonzalo (my little brother) said a very interesting thing, they predicted what was going to happen in the book by looking at the front cover . They also did an illustration with a prediction.
Year 4
Year 4C put papers with pictures that they illustrated, to describe how they were because the book doesn't have writing.
Year 5
Year 5B did sketching with shells. They put some notes about flotsam on the wall and classroom door
by Miss Mercedes Coffman
Head of Primary